Beery Advent Calendar #16

A day of bizarre hard drive mapping errors, an office that turned hysterical every time more than four flakes of snow landed on the car park, an overly-sore knuckle and the realisation that a drum of Cat 5 cable can often save the day.

Which left me in need of a beer.

Tonight's beer: Hoppin' Frog B.O.R.I.S The Crusher. Flat as a fart, coffee-wash and dark cherry. Some heat, much oatmeal softness. Is nice. Worth me spending ten quid on it? Yeah. It's great to have a full-flavoured imperial stout that doesn't taste like an over-heated alcoholic train-wreck.

Tonight's gift: Anyone remember The Kids In The Hall? Anyone? Just me? Meh... I Crush You!

Tonight's picture: something you'll never see again: