Congrats to the Nottingham Drinker
There's always plenty of news and features about local pubs and breweries. But there's articles about beer from all around the world, bottled beer, beer with food and much, much's well worth a read even if you're out of the area (or even out the country).
Here's a flavour what's in the current issue:
- trips to microbreweries in Malaysia and Sarajevo
- profiles of new breweries (Prescott) and local ones (Maypole)
- cooking with beer (chili and stout) and dining out with beer
- LocAle updates (Nottingham being pioneers of the scheme)
- bottled beer reviews (from Sheffield and Iceland - Iceland the country, not the frozen food chain...)
Special mention has to go to editor Spyke Golding's legendary 'In Praise of PUBlic Transport' feature. Complete with hand-drawn maps and full-colour photos, these are detailed pub crawls accessible by bus, train or even tram - indeed, the current issue features fifteen pubs close to the route taken by the Supertram in Sheffield).
Nottingham Drinker also features contributions from interesting and perhaps unusual persepctives. Both the local police and the local alcohol advisory service APAS provide thought-provoking articles that make a positive and constructive contrubution to the magazine.
If you're planning on visiting the city for its beer (and you really should) then the Nottingham Drinker is indispensible. It's got plenty of up-to-date gen about discounts, gigs and festivals as well as all those interesting articles.
Fortunately, you don't need to be in Nottingham to read the Drinker. Both the current and back issues are available in PDF format from the branch website.
Why not download a copy now... having read this, you need something else to do!
Direct link to the June/July issue:
Back issue index: