Derby City Bimble picturebook: what you missed

Bimble. verb walk or travel at a leisurely pace noun a leisurely walk or journey, a simple amble but with a little more discipline Well... .. we...

May 201320


So, like, there was this bloke who had like a pint of whatever and we were like, dude, whatever! Seriously? Dude! Get an app!...

May 201317

Bimble Update

The Derby City Bimble is getting so close you can almost feel its breath on the back of your neck. Which is quite creepy....

May 201314

Money for old rope

You know it. We know it. Craft rope is AWESOME! You want to know more? You want to know about its history and how it's...

May 201313

Sheffield suburbs for a Thornbridge trio

A Saturday to explore the suburbs of Sheffield. Well, to get out to three Thornbridge-owned pubs and bars. If I can leave the railway station....

May 201311

A beer for Alex Ferguson

And lo, it came to pass. Sir Alex Ferguson, despite eleventy-dozen years of success with Manchester United, finally retires. Twenty-six years, from the golden age...

May 201308

Think of a colour

Word association time. I'm going to give you a beer description; I want you to think of a colour. Ready? Here we go... Traditional. Thought...

Apr 201326

Sh!t beer geeks say

There's an \m/ awesome \m/ video doing the rounds in promotion of Good Beer Week in Melbourne, Australia. Like all the best satire, it's...

Apr 201324

Derby City Bimble, Saturday 18th May

It's bimble time. Saturday 18th of May. Meet at the Alexandra, Derby from 11am. Wander upriver via several pubs (Smithfield, Exeter Arms, maybe the Peacock,...

Apr 201322

Boris drinks Bass in Burton

"Evening, Boris!" It had been a long, long afternoon. Taking a hangover to the cricket seemed the decent thing to do. Derbyshire v Notts...

Apr 201319

Pubs & me & Gin & It

Quarterly journals are growing in popularity. Strong on content and low on adverts, they provide a platform upon which feature writing can shine. Some of...

Apr 201315

I wish to make a complaint

My old mate Hugh has sent me a letter. He can't quite remember which establishment provoked his splenetic outburst, so he's asked me to post...

Apr 201313

Drinking About Life

Get my hair cut, go meet an old mate in the town where we grew up, go to Nottingham for a gig, drink beer. It's...

Apr 201311

Meat Raffle and the Albert Tatlock Negotiators

"Would you like a ticket for Meat Raffle?" Good Friday of the Easter Bank Holiday festival at one of my almost-locals, the Holly Bush Inn...

Apr 201309

In Sainsburys

I shop at Sainsburys. Mainly because it's on my way home. And I'm quite partial to their beer range. Very partial, actually. It's where I...

Apr 201303

Stella Artois to be cask conditioned

In a bold move to subvert the nascent craft beer market in the UK, Stella Artois is to be relaunched as a cask beer. Brewed...

Apr 201301

Fancy a pint?

It's Easter Sunday. For the first time in what feels like weeks, there's enough blue up above to make a sailor a natty pair...

Mar 201331

It's back! And it's LIVE!

Reluctant Scooper is back in full effect. And to celebrate, we're blogging live and loud. Hopefully. We have the technology. Just as long as the...

Mar 201329

We've had the decorators in

Apologies if things get skewed around here. I'm updating the design and have to carry some of the work out whilst the blog is live....

Mar 201321

Watch umbrellas fly

There are schools of thought attached to beer blogging. Apparently. Some say you should blog in brief, often. Others say you should blog infrequently, with...

Jan 201305

The Session #71: Brewers and Drinkers

This month's Session Beer Blog on the topic of Brewers and Drinkers is hosted by John at Home Brew Manual. And he hands over a...

Jan 201304

Beer and sensory science: the Aroxa flavour standards

Let's start with an apology; this post should have been published in December 2011. Something went wrong. I blame the organic lump at the...

Jan 201303

Of hobgoblins and baked beans

It started with Guinness; available everywhere from pub to bar to club, lovely with chips, even better with Pernod. Newcastle Brown was next at polytechnic;...

Jan 201302

You've Come a Long Way, Baby

2008. A railway arch in South London. A corner of a rockshop warehouse in Huddersfield. Industrial units on the edge of the Peak District. Shoebox-sized...

Jan 201301

The Scoopies 2012

It's that time of year again. And what a year it's been. The best of times, the worst of times. But always the beeriest...

Dec 201231

Golden Pints 2012. Probably

I struggle with the concept of 'best'. Ever since I drank a pint of 'best' bitter that was 'best' only if the definition of 'best'...

Dec 201230

Pints D'Or 2012

Best UK Draught (Cask or Keg) Beer None. I only like Orval Best UK Bottled or Canned Beer Which part of the above answer did...

Dec 201229

Beery book review roundup

It's Boxing Day*. You've got a platter full of cold turkey sandwiches, a hangover that would scare a pig and a stack of vouchers to...

Dec 201226

Have a merry, messy Christmas

If auto-update works and you're reading this on December 25th, congratulations. I am either drinking Cantillon for brunch or I'm trapped in the nuclear heat...

Dec 201225

Oh, I don't know. Something about beer, Nottingham and Derby

I've forgotten what I wanted to write about. It may have been about the baked-lemon, slightly-cereal Navigation Pale in the Cross Keys, a place...

Dec 201223