It's not all about the recipe. Is it?

I'm drinking a beer. I have drank this beer many times. It's a fridge regular at Scoop Towers. It's available in supermarkets and chain restaurants. Which is why I drink it often.

Until sixty seconds ago, I had no idea what exactly went into it. I could guess. 

But, you know what? To me, it doesn't matter.

I now know it's full of two-row, Hallertauer Mittelfrueh, Vanguard and Cascade. 33 IBU. 170 kcal.

Big diff. It tasted great before that knowledge; it tastes the same great right now.

Some beers are defined by an obvious malt bill, hop addition or yeast strain. It's good to know in those cases; you like the effect, you can find more beers that express themselves in a similar way. Or run an avoidance play on them.

For the rest; does it really matter? 

Wouldn't you rather have the mystery?


  1. It doesn't matter, of course. You won't enjoy a beer any more any less if you know what it's made with, but can help you understand why you like it.

  2. Brooklyn Lager?

  3. Matt, all you need to know is this: all beer is red.

    And Anonymous, award yourself ten points and a Google gold star!

    Pivní Filosof, I wonder to what extent the ingredients really help a drinker understand why they like a beer. What about the role played by the yeast, for example? And the crucial role of how those ingredients make something greater than the sum of their parts.... e.g. the ingredients for cheesecake can't explain why I love the taste of it, regardless of what flavour it is.
