BrewDogging #15; Devine Rebel

I have a sweet tooth. I love Mikkel's approach to brewing. I love Brewdog's approach to brewing. This is a collaborative beer with a sweet edge. So, after tasting Devine Rebel, I ought to be drooling like a slack-jawed adolescent whose just put his pinkie into the holiest of holies for the first time. Right?

Wrong. When I had this on cask back in March, I thought it was a case of 'too much too young'. Too sweet, too raw, too unbalanced, too much like feeling my precious remaining dentine was being scoured out my mouth. Now, here's a bottle nearly nine months down the line and it feels even worse. Cloudy brown, sticky sweet, cloying in the clack.

Love the idea. But Devine Rebel flops around so, makes you want to punch it in the nuts for being so ill-disciplined. There's a good beer in here, but it's struggling topush through the sickly sweet sheet wrapped around its very being. Not even close, guys. Rip it up and start again. Please.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I didn't get along with it either, having said that, a mate a work had one and though it was amazing. Talking to a local retailer, it looks like it's a Marmite beer, you either love it or hate it, there doesn't appear to be any middle ground.

    It's a shame as I think Mikkeller is a genius and BrewDog certainly appear to know what they're doing, shame this one didn't work out.
